Thursday, August 4, 2011


One of the reasons that I wanted to start blogging was to record our daily activities as well as big milestones. I have forgotten so many things that I just knew I wouldn't forget,that I am happy to have a way to help me remember. With Hailey I wrote A LOT in her baby book. Currently all baby books are packed away in boxes somewhere in our storage, patiently awaiting the day they are found and put away somewhere in our new house...(more on that later). Today, I want to focus on Jack and his stats and favorite things at the age of THREE!!! So here is a little interview with JACK:

What is your name? I'm Jack

How old are you?
"free" Three

What is your favorite color? Blue and red... ummm and yellow too and green too... (apparently the boy has a few favorites):)

What is your favortite food? Spaghetti (WHAT? Hmmm... don't know where this one came from but.... )

What is your favorite T.V. Show? Thomas the Train

What do you want to be when you grow up? Apparently this one was a stumper... He couldn't quite think of a "job" he wanted to be...he chose instead to be relatives, (Kyle (his cousin), Pop (my dad), and Daddy were top choices)

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite thing to play? Trains

Jack is currently 33lbs and is 3 ft 2 inches tall. He wears a size 7 1/2 WIDE shoe and size 3T-4T clothes. We are "trying" to get potty trained but this proving to be more difficult than I imagined. :)

We love you big boy!!!!

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